Produce Sales
Our sales module has all the feature that you will need to manage your sales department efficiently.
Sales Desk
There is no better way to keep track of your sales inventory than with our powerful Sales Desk.
Have all of your product available for sale including product coming in, orders detail and warehouse rotation at your fingertips.
Sales Orders
Every sale that you make is based in an Order No., with iSolve Produce you will be able to keep track of every order form the moment is created up to the time is finally shipped, invoiced and collected. We have several features and options that will make your sales job very easy to handle.
Trouble Claims
That is just the beginning…
If you are a shipper, we have a lot of more features that make iSolve Produce your best option.
Our produce inventory module has the features that you will need to manage your warehouse department efficiently.
Warehouse Desk
Inventory control based in pallet tags
Is well known that keeping control of your inventory using pallet tags gives you clear benefits, some of these are:
- Inventory rotation. Is easy to know and print reports about the aging of your inventories.
- Traceability. Helps to keep track of the product transactions. Pallet tags are one of the most important parts of a full chain food distribution traceability system.
Warehouse Transactions
In every day warehouse operations, you require and can register all kind of transactions.
- Receptions
- Pallet tags generations
- Shipping
- Shipping returns
- Transfers
- Repacks
- And multiple reports for every situation
Grower Accounting
Grower relations in the produce business are an area of great importance, and one of many requirements to maintain and grow their trust is having proper grower accounting.
Growers appreciate our
web application

iSolve Produce Live
When you use iSolve Produce in your company, you also have a great tool for your growers that will add immense value to your company services, the iSolve Produce Live website. You will be able to give every grower web access to their product information, statements and liquidations in real time and with the flexibility to control such access as you need it.

GL Integration
To keep control of every grower’s liquidation, iSolve Produce uses the concept of Contracts . Each contract is linked to a specific general ledger account and gives you a lot of options to fulfill your grower’s needs.
Every contract has a separate grower statement.
Every season, a grower can have as many contracts as needed allowing him to see his grower’s statements separately or consolidated.
Setup automatic charges to their grower statements (i.e. commission, promotion fees, etc.)
If you oversee making sure every grower GL Account reconciles against the grower statement, you will love our solution. Our Grower Accounting sub-ledger will make sure every transaction recorded against a GL grower account is perfectly validated and recorded in the appropriate grower statement and vice versa.
Produce Purchasing
Track your profits
Every time you do a purchase, the system will help you creating a purchase order document. The entire product received, costs, sales and adjustments will be track by purchase order number giving you reports to analyze your sales and profits.
We also support direct shipments transactions.
General Accounting
At the core of the system are our General Accounting modules fully integrated and giving you the financial information that you need.
All the tools needed to keep up with your AR Aging are available:
- Multiple AR Aging reports.
- Flexible Cash Receipts screen to handle all kind of situations.
- Allows you to control every customer making sure no sales are submitted if they go above their credit limit or due days’ setup.
- Ability to enter Collection notes.
- Multiple web and windows reports.
Accounts Payable
All the tools needed to keep up with your AP Aging are available:
- Multiple AP Aging reports.
- Easy Enter Bills operations.
- Create Pay Lists to generate and schedule multiple checks.
- Multiple windows and web reports.
- Attachment of files (acrobat, images, etc.) related to bills entered.

Control at its best
With iSolve Produce you also have the following features:
- Restrict who can post information to the General Ledger .
- For each module, you can have open or closed fiscal periods as needed.
- At any time, you can go back to any fiscal period or journal and makes the proper changes, that is, if you have the proper permissions.
- With the proper settings and permissions, you can even unpost transactions already posted to the general ledger.
Keep your company banks activity properly registered in your general ledger with the detail needed and knowing exactly what your cash availability is.
For bank reconciliations, the process is fast and easy. iSolve Produce keeps tracks of the initial balance, just enter the final bank statement balance and check the proper deposits, checks and other transactions until making sure the same final balance is obtained.
And much more
Our iSolve Produce team of professionals knows that we need to continue listening to your comments and needs.
Your suggestions are the base of our direction for our always evolving software, some examples are the inclusion of:
Quality control features

Special Trade Reports and Controls